Tract document PDFs for Printing tracts have been converted to read order PDF Interactive digital documents for viewing on Smart Phones and Tablets. One can “turn the page” with the side swipe of a finger. These digital tracts can be easily shared online through the internet or cell phone network, without the cost of printing or shipping.
Tract document PDFs for Printing tracts have been converted to read order PDF Interactive digital documents for viewing on Smart Phones and Tablets. One can “turn the page” with the side swipe of a finger. These digital tracts can be easily shared online through the internet or cell phone network, without the cost of printing or shipping.
Traveling with Tracts
Submitted by Rev. Harriet Hupp November 9, 2023
No matter where we go, no matter what we are doing, we have tracts in our car, and tracts in our pockets. We have to be ready for the next God appointed adventure. We live in central California, and we were heading to Bellingham, Washington for a family reunion. We didn’t have much time to get there so we were on Hwy 5N. The only stops we would be taking were to get gas and use the rest stops. It was a beautiful, sunny day. We were in Oregon and stopped at a large rest stop with park like grass. David went over to talk to a homeless girl living with her husband or boyfriend in a camper parked nearby. She was about twenty, friendly, and sitting alone on the grass. David gave her an English copy of the Who Is Jesus? gospel tract he had printed on our two color printing press.
Two weeks later, it was time to head back home to California. We decided to take the coast route thru the Red Woods = Hwy 1/Hwy 101S. At our first stop there was a surprise waiting for us –a surprise that only God Himself could have prepared for us. Sitting on the grass was the same young lady we had given the “Who is Jesus?” tract to in Oregon. This time she was reading a Bible.
Wow! After reading the tract which we had given to her two weeks prior, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She was so excited to see us again. The tract we gave her was so worn out and she was hoping to get another one. She had another reason to get a new tract. She said she wanted to share Jesus with her boyfriend. God had not only touched her heart, He also brought us to her to show He was a personal friend to her and really cared. God had answered her prayer and there we were.
Yes, we were ready for a new God appointed adventure, when we began that trip north. He cared about a young lady so much that he lead us to her at a rest stop in Oregon on Hwy 5N, and answered her prayer by sending us down the California coastline.
November 7, 2023 RE: Who is Jesus Swahili tract
Submitted by Evangelist David Hupp
In the late 1990s I was asked to print 5,000 of this tract in the Tibetan language. I contacted the publisher in the State of Arkansas, End Time Servants and Handmaidens. I wanted more foreign language tracts, and they had this tract in 20 languages as a two color tract that I could print on our two color printing press. I asked the ministry to send me 4 copies of each language, which did not make sense to them since they were selling the tracts for about two cents each which was cheaper than what it would cost me to print them myself. Later I found out their print shop burned down in a fire.
Using Adobe Photoshop and Indesign on my computer, I laid out the tract two to a legal size sheet in English, Spanish, and Swahili, and printed a box of each on the Ryobi two color press. The ministry Take It to the Streets had been going to East Africa. They took about 1,000 of these tracts. Three high schools got together and 600 of these tracts were passed out to the students who evidently invited Jesus into their hearts and then took the tracts home to their parents.
A Christian named Denish O. e-mailed me asking for some of these tracts. I mailed him some, even though the international postage is expensive. I also sent him, by email attachment, the ready to print tract document for having the tracts printed by a local copy shop, which he did. Someone passing out these tracts in their village approached David W., a charcoal salesman who had been giving Christians a hard time for twenty years. David asked if Jesus had really helped anyone. The Christian shared his testimony and, amazingly, David accepted Jesus. Using the contact information printed on the tract, David emailed me to tell of his new found faith in Jesus. Using e-mail, I connected David with Denish and Denish took David out to eat and gave him some of the tracts he had printed. David began passing out the tracts and sharing his life changing testimony!
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