Downloadable Tracts

Downloadable Tracts

  • Category: English

    Two tracts to a letter size sheet, with two folds (8 pages). There is a 1/4″ trim off the top and bottom of the sheet. Finished size 2 3/4″ wide by 4″ tall. Document has contact information: The message is that God’s standard for being right with Him, the Ten Commandments, is so strict that if we only break one commandment, we are disqualified. However, when we admit to God that we are sinners, and ask that we be forgiven, and the goodness of Jesus, the only perfect Man in God’s sight,  be placed on our account, we can them become a child of God, be declared right in His sight, and receive eternal life as a free gift.  This soulwinner’s way of leading a person to Jesus has proven very effective.

  • Category: English

    Two tracts to a letter size sheet, with a center fold. Finished size is 4 1/4″ wide by 5 1/2″ tall. Document has no room to add Contact Information.

  • Category: English

    Two tracts to a letter size sheet, with a center fold. Tract can be trimmed so the cover is a “full bleed” (no white border after folding). Finished size is about 4″ wide by 5″ tall. Document has a type in the box field for adding contact Information before printing.  Tracts gives the odd of winning at various casino table games, and then tells about life’s best bet – eternal life as as a free gift complements of Jesus Christ when one asks Him into his or her heart as Personal Savior and Lord.

  • Category: English

    Two  tracts to a legal size sheet with a center fold. 2 3/8″ trims off the top of the sheet. Finished size is 3 1/2″ wide by 6 1/8″ tall. Document has a type in the box field for adding Contact Information before printing. Using the dimensions of the New Jerusalem city given in the Book of Revelation, a mathematician found the city will house a trillion people which is all the people who ever lived. To get a residence there, One asks Jesus Christ to forgive his sins, and write his name in the Book of Life.

  • Category: Spanish

    Two tracts to a letter size sheet with two folds (8 pages). Finished size is 2 3/4″ wide by 4 1/4″ tall. Document has a type in the box field for adding Contact Information before printing. The Roman Empire had an elaborate system of paved roads that led to Rome, the capital. The Apostle Paul, who wrote a big portion of the New Testament of the Bible traveled  these roads. If one looks at key verses in his letter to the Romans, one finds a roadmap to heaven.

  • Category: English

    One tract to a letter size sheet, with a center fold. Contact Information is already on the tract.

    Tenach (Old Testament) Prophets told of a coming World Savior, Messiah, Deliverer, not just for the Jewish people, but for “A” who call upon the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13 in the Brit Hadish). The Statistical chances of any one person fulfilling just 8 of these prophesies are astronomical, but One Person in history meets all the qualifications. When we connect with Him, our names are enrolled in the Book of Life, and we receive peace with God and eternal life as a free gift! Betty Meyer, an artist, painted this Person’s picture when she had a divine encounter with Him about 1984.

  • Category: English

    Two tracts to a letter size sheet with a center fold. Trims in three sides so cover is a “full bleed” (no white border) after folding. Finished size is about 4″ wide by 5″ tall. Document has a type in the box field for adding Contact Information before printing.

  • Category: English

    Two tracts to a letter size sheet, tri-fold. Finished size is 2.83″ wide by 5 1/2″ tall. Document has no room for adding Contact Information.

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115 W. Bunny Ave.
Santa Maria, CA 93458-2805


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FTS printing and shipping is now run by HIS Print Media Ministries. We have no regular business hours. Visits by appointment only

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