With the growing popularity of using Smart Phones and Tablets to connect with others by Internet and cell networks, one can easily share read order “PDF interactive” gospel tracts, without the cost of printing, buying, and shipping printed tracts. A reader can “turn the page” with the wipe of a finger!

RE: The Read Order Gospel Tract Documents Posted Below.

The purple text document name next to the cover image is a clickable link to see the read order PDF tract document. In some cases, the document will automatically open in a browser window. There is also an option of downloading or saving the document to the “Downloads” file on one’s computer by clicking on the down arrow symbol in the upper right-hand corner of one’s internet browser window. Clicking again shows the document name. Clicking on the name allows one to choose to open the document. Once opened, one can choose “Save As” under the “File” pull-down menu and save the document to a desired storage place on the computer, or a drive attached to the computer.